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Weekly Articles

                                                                                       The Process – Part 4                                       


                                                                                  “And be renewed in the spirit of your mind”   Ephesians 4:23


We started this discussion looking at the work God must do in our lives in order that we may be effective witnesses for the kingdom. There is a transition that must take place, and it is this process that we will continue to discuss so that you understand what God has to do in your life to complete this transition of making you into that in which He created you to be. God does have a purpose in all that He does and allows in our lives. We looked at the new heart that He gives us (Ezekiel 36:26), so that we are sensitive to the things of God and have the capacity to live and love as He desires us to. Then, we looked at our part in this change, which is the renewing of the mind. We are responsible for spending time in the Word of God, allowing it to change our old way of thinking into God’s way of thinking, thus we can begin to understand the work God is doing in our inner man to transform us into that man who is guided and instructed by the Holy Spirit, living his life in line with His Word. As we discussed, this process is not always comfortable, but at times it requires us to be put on the wheel (Jeremiah 18:4) so that we can be shaped and molded, removing the old rough you to get to that new you that God desires for your life. So, this week let’s continue to move forward discussing the changing of our mind in this process.


As we begin this process of change and God places us on the wheel to work out the impurities in our lives, we must renew or minds to first of all understand what it is that God is doing in our life. I heard a gentleman give a testimony of how he saw his friend going through some things and wanted to reach out and help him, but God told him to leave him alone, that He was doing a work in him, and he had to be broken in order for God to use him as He had chosen to do. Both these men had renewed their minds by the Word of God and understood what God was doing. In Acts 9:10- 20 we see two men who understood what God was doing because they both were in tune to God through His spoken Word to them. This is the part of the process that God has given us the responsibility of doing; changing our way of thinking so that it lines up with His Word, thus we can begin to understand what He is doing in our life as well. In Romans 12:2 we see that in order to change our thinking we must renew our mind by the Word of God. You must change your ideas and attitude in order to understand and accept the change that is needed. Proverbs 23:7 says, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” You must think change before you can experience change, or you will only hinder the process because of a resistance to it due to your unrenewed mind that does not understand the work required to get you to that place God needs you to be. This is the place on the wheel when pressure must be applied to smooth out those rough and lumpy areas in our lives. This is when the process becomes uncomfortable; when the lumps are stubborn and put-up resistance to the work being done, therefore, it will require more time on the wheel with increased pressure so that the purpose God intended will be accomplished. It is during the process that we must attend to God’s Word and grow in understanding of what the mind of God for us is so that we “may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.” It is only through a renewed mind that we will understand the process of God working from the inside out to prepare us for His calling. First Peter 2:2 tells us “as newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the Word, that ye may grow thereby.” Our growth takes place as we understand the Word of God. We understand, then we accept what God must do in our life so that we are most effective in what He desires for us to do. Our text this week, in the Amplified says, “And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude].” The trained polished soldier that we used as an example in these articles did not start out like that, but was rough and unpolished until he changed his idea and attitude of who he was, and what his purpose was in order to understand and accept the change he needed to make. So, it is with us as well; we must be “renewed in the spirit of our minds” to the things of God so that we understand what is required of us to fulfill our purpose. If we don’t renew our mind by the Word of God, we will only find ourselves complaining and opposing the work that God is doing in us. We are new creatures in Christ and must spend time in the Word of God daily so that we make that transformation from the old way of thinking to that which lines up with God and His Word. You must put off the old ideas and attitudes by changing your way of thinking. This process that God must take us through is not to hurt us but to bring about the desired results that will bring honor to Him and the kingdom. All that He desires to do requires us to diligently spend time in His Word, fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit, so that we understand this process and flow with Him as the work is being completed. Second Peter 3:18 tells us “but grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”  As we grow in this knowledge of God, we begin to understand His ways and the how and why of the things that He does. In Deuteronomy 8:16 God tells us of His proving of the children of Israel so “that He might humble thee, and that He might prove thee, to do thee good at thy latter end.” This process of change is not to destroy you, but to develop you. In verse 2 of this same chapter of Deuteronomy God said in the Amplified, “to humble you and to prove you, to know what was in your [mind and] heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not.” God won’t just send you into this spiritual battle untrained but will prepare you for the work He has called you to do, and He does it through this process of change. Your new heart must be prepared to stand against all that will oppose you, your mind must be renewed so that you understand that which will oppose you and why it happens, thus the process is your training for spiritual growth to bring you to a place of maturity so that you won’t be swayed. Paul told the church in Ephesians 4:14 “that we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.” God takes us through this process to prepare us to stand for Him and represent the kingdom as trained seasoned soldiers ready for battle. God is raising up a people who will take His Word and stand on it during these times. Your mind must be renewed to be in tune with God so that you are in position to hear from Him.


To determine whether we will be successful in our walk with God is determined by the diligence that you give to His Word. Mark 4:24 Amplified says that “the measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you-and more [besides] will be given to you who hear.” Renew your mind today with the Word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you by this Word in you unto all truth. It is what you put into the Word that you will receive from the Word. Commit yourself to God’s Word daily and allow Him to take you through this process of change and bring you out a vessel meet for His use (2 Timothy 2:21).   

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